Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kanaha FHE

Want to see where we had dinner last night?
We took the kids off for a Family Home evening adventure at Kahana last night.  It was overcast and windy, but all ours and quite lovely for everyone.  These pictures don't show the meltdown I almost had getting us there with all the stuff and a fussy baby.  Some things are not worth photographing.  Still, here's a little reality check from Alex. Before the tantrum . . .
During the tantrum . . .
Pause to smile at the camera in the middle of the tantrum.  Funny baby.
S'mores over the bonfire after dinner.
"How can I have S'more when I haven't had any yet?"

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Kiffer still loves to dress up.  He also likes to project that onto Alex, who isn't fast enough to crawl away yet.

Here's my little monkey resisting his nap again.  

Growing Kids

The are really growing up and these pictures show that I think.  Emily is getting so good at reading and has become a bookworm with her nose in a Magic Treehouse book all the time. She is really looking tall and older lately. It's less than four months until her baptism!
Kiffer is getting longer and skinnier (if that's possible).  He comes home from school and says, "I just love kindergarten!"  He is so interested in everything about the ocean (lucky we live in Hawaii) and will sit through long science readers about icebergs and underwater sealife.  I usually get tired of reading before he's ready to stop.

Alex has gone from a baby who will sit in the radius of a hoolahoop, so a crawling, climbing baby in a week.  We are amazed at the things he can all of sudden get into.  He is having a little trouble getting to sleep now that he can climb up on the crib sides.  When I peek around the corner of the door to check on him, I am greeted by a big cheeky grin behind the binky.  What a monkey.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Kualoa Beach Park Picnic

Our little Saturday adventure last week was running around at Kualoa Beach Park.
Emily and Mummy tried to get Alex to crawl. . . 
. . . but he kept sitting back up.
No comment.

Splish Splash

Alex is  a little bath splasher. He splashes and kicks until he is dripping and seems to have a ball. The biggest trick lately is trying to get him to stop climbing up the side of the bath. Notice in the video how he stops at one point and stares at the camera.  The focus light was on, so he was waiting to get his photo taken.  It's funny how all our kids learned really early on to stop and smile for the camera.  Last Sunday he was grizzling after church, but stopped to smile for each photo I took and then carried on with his fussing.  Funny baby.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fishing, Huts and Drool

Saturday's fun was a morning at the beach with fishing poles.  Thankfully no one caught anything, but they all had a nice time pottering about.  

Alex doing his beach work in the foreground, with Daddy doing his beach work in the back ground.  My beach work is to take photos and make a blog.

Mark's Idea of fun is to take a shovel and dig trenches and streams.  The kids love it.  I love hard work like that too.  I could sit and watch it all day.

Runny noses and rain made an afternoon of hut building just the thing. Alex quite loves being included in everything.

Here's our little climber.  Alex still isn't crawling, but he lunges well and can even sit himself back up after rolling around on his tummy.  He looks a bit of a little Kiwi Rugby player in the making after our skinny little Kiffer.

I thought that title summed up the week quite well.  Poor Alex has had such an unsettled week and we finally found out that on top of teething he had an ear and eye infection.  We have all kinds of interesting liquids at our house this week, drool being just one of the more benign forms. So, apart from struggling through a reroof of our house (no windows open and dust everywhere), broken night sleep and sickness, it's been a good week.