Monday, July 13, 2009

The Nauvoo Pageant

We wondered if the pageant would be on as there was quite a thunder storm going on right before it was due to start.  Everyone told us that it always cleared up because everyone prayed hard.  The pageant started late, but it did start in a clear patch between storms.  They announced that we had 1.5 hours between storms and the show would go on.  The cast was great with families and kids joining in to make such a gorgeous full stage.  They performed beautifully right through the rain and were all so grateful we stayed to watch.  We were so grateful they performed as it was our only night to see the pageant!  There was a great feeling of friendship there.

The man who played with Joseph Smith was excellent and the kids were thrilled to meet him after the show.

They erected a temple on stage as the pageant progressed.

Hiding from the rain before the show.

Pulling handcarts in the rain got us all in the spirit!

1 comment:

Carrilyne said...

So stinkin' cute!!! I love your family!! I wish you guys could have trekked to Utah!! We would have loved a visit!!